We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive the Practice and our staff.
MyHealth has established a Patient Participation Group (PPG) to enable patients to become involved in decisions about the range and quality of services being provided. The group aims to meet regularly each quarter. As we wish the group to be representative of practice population we would like to hear from patients who are either interested in becoming future members when there are vacancies, or wish to become members of our Virtual PPG and contribute to key issues via email.
By providing us with your contact details, we can contact you every now and again to ask your views on our service(s).
We like to ensure our PPG is representative of all our patients, so encourage patients across all age groups to join.
If you wish to participate please complete the online form by clicking on the button shown below.
Alternatively, please complete the form below and return it to us, if you wish to join the group. You can drop the form in at your local Health Care Centre.
Please note that the PPG cannot become involved in matters of a specifically medical or clinical nature.
The information you supply us will be used lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to know what information is held about you and sets out rules to make sure that this information is handled properly.
PPG News Archive
Vale Of York Clinical Commissioning Group: Local healthcare services – be part of the discussion
- Do you want to get involved in decisions about local healthcare services?
- Do you want up to date information about local healthcare services and how to improve your health and well-being?
If the answer is YES, then here’s how to get involved:
- Website Vale of York CCG
- Telephone: 01904 551 584
- Email: MyHealth@admin
Public and Patient Engagement Strategy
Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group (VoYCCG) has created a Public and Patient Working Group to develop a public and patient engagement strategy.
Please click on the documents below more information: